Individuals dealing with serious periodontal disease can lose their teeth and can end up needing dentures as they continue to deal with gum disease and cannot receive dental implants or other treatments. Diseased gums aren’t healthy, which causes the teeth to become loose and fall out. There are a variety of different styles that will fit your needs.
Getting Started
For the denture to fit properly, we will take an impression of the mouth. Some patients need a single denture while others need a larger impression to create a full set. Selecting the right color is another important element when getting a set created, as well. Some patients choose to opt for a whiter color to finally gain the tooth color they have always wanted.
Full Dentures
We provide a variety of full dentures, each designed to suit different lifestyles and needs. They are made of acrylic and resin, metal, and plastics to look similar to real teeth. Full sets are made to complete both the upper and lower sets of teeth.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are used when only one or a few teeth need to be replaced, in which they are helpful to keep your teeth aligned as they help to prevent shifting.
Denture Adjustment
Your dentures may need to be brought in for routine adjustments, as they can cause pain when you wear them. If they do not fit properly, they can end up rubbing on the gums, causing bleeding and swelling. Regular adjustments of the dentures will prevent them from causing pain and will help patients to maintain a proper smile when they fit properly.
Caring for Your Denture
Dentures need to be properly cared for to prevent problems. Cleaning them requires the use of a brush designed specifically for dentures. It is important to hold them gently to prevent too much pressure from bending and causing the shape to shift. If you do not use the right brush, they can end up breaking down the material. If the material breaks down, it can reduce the effectiveness of the dentures and can lead to problems with the way they are supposed to properly work. Proper care also requires them to be soaked overnight in the right solution to kill bacteria and keep them from smelling.
For more information about caring for dentures or to have a set made, contact our North Ogden office today!
Schedule An Appointment
Our team consists of dedicated individuals who are kind, friendly, and caring. Our staff is here to ensure a pleasant experience during your visit to our office. We look forward to welcoming you to our dental family.